Fitness programmes, lifestyle & wellness for the modern woman
Confidence, alignment & ease for your mind, body & soul
How does your ideal customer feel at the moment? Struggles to lose weight for example, or stick to a workout routine - common problems you come up against regularly for people in your target audience.
How do they want to feel? How can you help them get there?
List your main sellers below. It doesn’t have to be three, but remember that sales psychology favours a low-cost, regular-cost & premium structure
Wellness Articles
Fitness Programmes
Nourishing Recipes
Get to know me & the ways that I can help you SHINE
Intro text about you, why you’re passionate about what you do and how you feel you can help your dream customer. Write this section as though you’re speaking directly to the person you most want to work with.
Don’t be afraid to inject some personality here, but remember to keep it short, sweet and focussed on the service you want to provide. Big yourself up (but make sure you’re backing it all up - no one likes a fibber) and make you and your services totally irresistible to your dream client.
Shop Fitness Programmes
New in the world of Wellness
Check out these upcoming events
8 best products to help you sleep
The very best in modern Lifestyle
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Beautiful things await you on the ‘gram
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What sort of free product are you offering? How will it help your customer? Why should they take the time to download it? How has the information contained in this lead magnet helped YOU to succeed?
Share the secrets to your success and gain more happy customers in the process. The link below should be to a Mailchimp or Squarespace email sign up page linked to the right automation.